Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sunday Scribblings

I found a lovely little blog called Sunday Scribblings that encourages creative writing by posting topics weekly - to participate, just write a bit on the topic and then leave a comment on the Sunday Scribblings blog.

This week's topic is Kissing.

Crushing, brushing, feathery lite, more breath than pressure, or more pressure than breath. Dewy, soft, smooth, gentle, firm. The neck, an earlobe, the back of a hand, or the palm. Kitty ears, baby toes.

All, the joy of the kiss.

Such great joy in being the bestower of the kiss - such a tender ministration, a demonstration of care and love and feeling and comfort, or passion and desire and need.

But to receive a kiss - from your first grandchild, your dear husband, your most aloof kitten. Immeasurable joy!

My husband and I never part without a kiss. Frequently throughout the day we'll meet only to experience the sweet joy of the departing kiss, as well as the hello kiss. We kiss when we awake, we kiss before we fall asleep. We kiss in our shops, in the cafe next door, in the street, at the grocery, when company is over, when we are company at someone else's home. We kiss in the way that people kiss in black and white movies - with meaning, slowly, with passion, but still with a bit of decorum. I don't think anyone would be embarrassed by our display.

A kiss is a little love letter sent out to the world. An intention, a prayer.

May we never run out of kisses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bridget, that's lovely. The world would be a sad place indeed if we ran out of kisses.

1/07/2007 7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Write a poem and stick this in there somewhere: "We kiss in the way that people kiss in black and white movies"

1/08/2007 2:55 AM  
Blogger Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely. Kisses from your most aloof kitten.... very sweet.

1/08/2007 12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your post reminds me of my parents. That's the way they are...they kiss when they part ways...and they kiss the same way you do. Ahhh.. very sweet and nostalgic....brings back warm memories. Thanks..

1/08/2007 10:51 PM  
Blogger JP (mom) said...

Brilliant! "A kiss is a ministration" ...mmmm, just love that!

Much peace, JP

1/10/2007 10:44 PM  
Blogger Gel said...

I'm smiling at your tender writing.

1/29/2007 11:37 PM  

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