Saturday, March 18, 2006

Straight out departure on 33

This evening, while waiting for our humble frozen pizza to finish cooking, the cats became very agitated and ran to the living room window, which overlooks the grass airstrip we live on.

A small flock of Juncos were pecking at the fallen thistle seeds I put on the railings.

A beautiful woodpecker with a red face sat on the edge of our fence, calling out to his mate.

And a BALD EAGLE made a straight out departure on runway 33, to the north. He flew about 25 feet about ground, level, just easily and casually flying along. The setting sun was diffused by low clouds, and the entire scene was breathtakingly beautiful in the soft light.

Spring is just around the corner. The robins have returned, hawks are circling, Osprey are beginning to rebuild their nests. I can see the tips of daffodils just breaking through the top of the soil. We're having more sunshine than clouds.

Life is good, here in this postcard of a paradise.

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